
Netpoint Factoring Logo

We have a contract with invoicing company Netpoint Factoring. This means that Netpoint will send you invoices for the treatment costs. If you are additionally insured, Netpoint will charge the insured part directly to your health insurer. For the (possibly) uninsured part, you will receive a bill from Netpoint.


The rates for dental treatment procedures are set by the Dutch Healthcare Authority (NZa) and are the same for everyone. The rates for 2022 are set as below:

* Additional material and technology costs may be associated with this treatment.
** For more information about the costs of this service, please contact your healthcare provider.
*** Depending on the stage of dental work.

The above information is derived from the official tariff decision of the Dutch Healthcare Authority (NZa), which is always leading in case of discrepancies. The dentist or the KNMT is not liable for errors in the data or for damage that is the result of, or is related to the use of the data.

Opening hours
Mon-Thus: 8h-17h
Fri: 9h-12h